Province of St. Albert the Great, USA

A Word of Hope

28 March • The Greatest Commandment in Lent

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Join Fr. Louis, Provincial for the Dominicans of the Province of Saint Albert the Great, for a powerful Lenten reflection on the great commandments to love God and to love our neighbor as ourselves.

Fr. Louis delves into how we can express our love for God through the Lenten practices of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, emphasizing the importance of genuine generosity and attentive listening to God's presence.

Furthermore, Fr. Louis emphasizes the crucial connection between loving ourselves and loving our neighbors. He encourages viewers to recognize and accept their own gifts and challenges, enabling them to extend that same acceptance and love to those around them.

This video offers spiritual guidance and encouragement for those seeking to deepen their Lenten observance and strengthen their relationship with God and their community. Discover how to live out the greatest commandment and share a word of hope with others.

Keywords: Catholic homily, Lent, love, greatest commandment, Fr. Louis Moroni OP, Dominican, Gospel reflection, Christian teaching, prayer, fasting, almsgiving, neighbor love, self-love, spiritual growth, religious video, biblical interpretation, word of hope, lenten reflection.


#CatholicHomily #Lent #Love #GreatestCommandment #FrLouisMoroni #Dominicans #GospelReflection #ChristianTeaching #Prayer #Fasting #Almsgiving #NeighborLove #SelfLove #SpiritualGrowth #ReligiousVideo #BiblicalInterpretation #LentenReflection 

Every day the Chicago Dominicans offer "A Word of Hope" video to bolster our faith through these trying times. We welcome any feedback you have at . You can see them all below, or you can see other preaching by a particular person by clicking on his name, and you can have them emailed to you each morning by signing up for our email service:

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Email Format

  • 12 Jan • Comfort my people

    On this Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we recall that Jesus was baptised to carry out the the commission of the Prophet Isaiah, "Give Comfort to my People." May all of us who are baptised fulfil this mission.
  • 11 Jan • Passing on the blessings

    After Jesus was baptised by John, Jesus went on to baptise others. When John was asked about it, he was happy that Jesus was doing this and becoming greater than he. All of the blessings God gives us should be nurtured, and multiplied, and then passed along to more people, until the whole world is blessed.
  • 9 Jan • Preaching Good News to the Poor

    Jesus came to bring Good News to the poor. It is incumbent on Christians to help the poor and alleviate their suffering, but even more than that, the Better News is that Jesus brings forgiveness, which starts with the poor, and promises a better life in heaven than anything we could imagine in this world.
  • 2 Jan • Holy Friendship

    Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, who share this memorial, were great friends. Their friendship brought them each closer to God. Friends can bring us closer to God and friendship itself is a model of what our relationship should be with God.
  • 1 Jan • A Mother's Blessing

    On this Solemnity of Mary, the Mother of God, we remember what a blessing she was to Jesus and to us. As the new year begins, we also take the opportunity, like Mary, to ponder the past and open ourselves to the future.
  • 31 Dec • Ready for a New Year

    The first chapter of the Gospel of John reminds us: "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it." As we prepare to welcome a new year, let us move forward with confidence that God's unfailing light will help us create all things new and shake off the darkness of the past year.
  • 30 Dec • The Prophet Anna

    The Prophet(ess) Anna recognized the Christ child as the new messiah when he was presented in the Temple. Let us honor all the women whose resilient, prophetic, and steady faith has fed the church and our guided our own faith journeys.
  • 29 Dec • Family = chaos

    On this Feast of the Holy Family, we recall Jesus being lost for days and finally found in the Temple, seemingly oblivious to the worry he caused his parents. Every family has some degree of chaos as different members pull in different directions. There is not only one way to be a "perfect" family. Families and churches are best when they let each member be the best version of who they really are, and then together they create their own best version of family.
  • 28 Dec • Escaping the genocide

    On this Feast of the Holy Innocents, we remember how, warned by an an angel in his dream, Joseph fled with his family in the middle of the night to escape Herod's deadly wrath. There is still genocide and evil in our world, and we still need to listen to God about when to stand and when to run.
  • 27 Dec • That your joy may be complete

    John, the apostle, shared with others about the Love of God he found in Christ so that his own joy would be complete. We have the same opportunity. Let us share with others what we have come to learn about Christ with those around around us, so that they might share in our joy and that our joy might be complete.
  • 26 Dec • A crown of thorns

    On this Feast of St. Stephen, the first Christian martyr, we remember how he earned his crown of martyrdom, being stoned to death for proclaiming Christ. He died knowing he had a place in heaven and praying for those who were killing him. We too are called to wear the crown of glory with the Father, to share his life forever.
  • A Season of Hope

    In this extra A Word of Hope video, Fr. Scott Steinkerchner, OP, Br. Joseph Hilliker, OP and Fr. Dick LaPata, OP share about what gives them hope in the this lovely season of Hope.

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  • 25 Dec • Peace on Earth

    When Jesus was born, the angels announced to the shepherds "Peace on Earth!" There is nothing that we need more in this world right now than peace over all the Earth. Let us pray for that, and look for that gift from God.