text “Always forgive your enemies. Nothing annoys them more.” Caddying at local private golf clubs was a way of life for many of my friends…
audio The Delights of Poverty: 2/16/25 Homily The Delights of Poverty: 2/16/25 Homily by Fr. Patrick Hyde, OP
audio How our vice-president gets Thomas Aquinas wrong I think it is great when we draw on the wisdom of Thomas Aquinas in our public debate, but we need to get it right.
audio Letter of the Holy Father Francis to the bishops of the United States of America, February 11, 2025 Letter of the Holy Father to US bishops. I am writing today to address a few…
text “Developing an attitude of beatitude.” Standing in the express line (15 items or less) at one of the local…
audio And God Said, They are Good For 11 February 2025, Tuesday of week 5 in Ordinary Timeand the Memorial of Our…
audio Imposter Syndrome & Discipleship: 2/9/25 Homily Imposter Syndrome & Discipleship: 2/9/25 Homily by Fr. Patrick Hyde, OP
text “To know Jesus means spending the rest of your life wondering what hit you.” Dorothy Day, a ferocious convert to Christianity, was no slouch when it came…
audio Presentation of the Lord: 2/2/25 Homily Presentation of the Lord: 2/2/25 Homily by Fr. Patrick Hyde, OP
audio Who are the wisdom figures in our lives? Who is always there to extend a helping hand? The answers sometimes surprise, especially among the young.
text “We can go home again.” Arriving back home in Minneapolis during a blizzard, I seriously wondered…
audio Growing the Word Within For 29 January 2025, Wednesday of week 3 in Ordinary Time, based on Mark 4:1-20
audio Celebrate the Jubilee: Homily for Sunday, Janaury 26, 2025 In today's gospel, Jesus reads the passage from Isaiah that describes the…
audio Finding Mastery as a Disciple: 1/26/25 Homily Finding Mastery as a Disciple: 1/26/25 Homily by Fr. Patrick Hyde, OP
audio What did Jesus say in his inaugural address? Our faith calls us to something more. To call ourselves Christians means we are to follow the example of Jesus Christ - to serve others - to seek to…
audio Jesus is something different indeed: Homily for Thursday, January 23, 2025 Jesus is something different. He represents the fulfillment of the Old…
text "Receive what you are: the Body of Christ." At first, the nurse seemed reluctant to say anything about the condition of…
audio Proclaim God’s Deeds: Homily for Sunday, January 19, 2025 Today's readings all help us to see that God's mighty deeds are all around us…
audio Patronal Feast of St. Agnes: 1/19/25 Homily Patronal Feast of St. Agnes: 1/19/25 Homily by Fr. Patrick Hyde, OP
text "Did Jesus Have a Drinking Problem?" Jesus performed his first miracle (sign) in the Gospel of John (2:1-12) by…
audio Construir comunidad y ser enviados: Homilía del domingo 12 de enero de 2025 Es irónico que justo antes de celebrar el Bautismo del Señor, el Cirujano…
audio Build community and be sent: Homily for Sunday, January 12, 2025 It is ironic that just before we celebrated the Baptism of the Lord, the…