Province of St. Albert the Great, USA
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Fr. Greg Heille, OP

Gregory Heille, OP, is Professor of Preaching and Evangelization and Director of the Doctor of Ministry in Preaching at Aquinas Institute of Theology in St. Louis. He is the author of Preaching Racial Justice, A Year of Vincentian Preaching by Daniel Harris, CM, and The Preaching of Pope Francis


2 Jan • Holy Friendship

Saints Basil the Great and Gregory Nazianzen, who share this memorial, were great friends. Their friendship brought them each closer to God. Friends can bring us closer to God and friendship itself is a model of what our relationship should be with God.

1 Dec • Do not be distracted

As we begin a new liturgical year, the Prophet Jeremiah reminds us of God's promise to raise up for us "The Lord of Justice." Yet we are also reminded in the Gospel not to let the anxieties of life distract us from our duty to always stand on God's side, full of joy, vigilant for the cry of the poor, joining in spreading the message that our salvation is near.

30 Nov • We have heard and thus believe

St. Paul assures us that all who call on God will be heard. Yet we can only believe because we have been told. Christian life is inherently communal, and thus we celebrate in community the passing of the seasons, and our gratefulness to God.