Province of St. Albert the Great, USA
Profile picture for user Samuel.Hakeem

Fr. Samuel Hakeem, OP

Fr. Samuel Hakeem is the Promoter of Vocations for the province. He lives in Chicago.


3 Feb • God's healing can reunite us with our loved ones

Jesus healed a Gerasene demoniac who then wanted to follow him. Instead, Jesus sent him back to his own family. The healing that comes from Jesus doesn't just cover over our sins, but empowers us to reunite with those we have hurt and bring them with us back to God. Is there someone with whom you need to reconcile?

2 Feb • Pointing to something beyond

As Jesus is presented in the Temple, the prophets Simeon and Anna see that his presence points to something beyond the moment—it point to eternity. Today we also celebrate consecrated religious persons whose lives point as well to the blessings of God in eternity.