Province of St. Albert the Great, USA
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Fr. Bob Keller, OP

Campus minister and teacher at Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. 


23 Feb • Stop judging and you will not be judged

Jesus challenges his disciples to love their enemies. This is difficult, but we can start with some of the other challenges he makes, such as, "stop judging and you will not be judged." This includes to stop judging ourselves so harshly so that our hearts might soften towards others as well.

22 Feb • The Chair of Peter

Today we celebrate The Feast of the Chair of Peter, the office of the pope, and hear Jesus promise to give the keys of the kingdom to Peter and to the church so that the gates of Hades will not be able to prevail against it. Today, we still celebrate the blessings of this great gift a by being in communion with one another in the church.

21 Jan • St. Agnes, witness to faith

The Letter to the Hebrews recalls how Abraham trusted God's promise to him and so obtained it. St. Agnes, a 4th century martyr, also trusted God and witnessed her faith to the end, and so obtained the promise of salvation. We should seek that which allows us to trust God's promise and we will find peace, and joy, and ultimately, salvation.

20 Jan • The question of fasting

People came to Jesus and asked why his disciples did not fast. He replied that they could not fast while the bridegroom was with them, indicating himself as the divine presence with them. But, why do we fast? To show that God is first in our life, before our own desire for food and gratification.