Province of St. Albert the Great, USA
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Fr. Bob Keller, OP

Campus minister and teacher at Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. 


21 Jan • St. Agnes, witness to faith

The Letter to the Hebrews recalls how Abraham trusted God's promise to him and so obtained it. St. Agnes, a 4th century martyr, also trusted God and witnessed her faith to the end, and so obtained the promise of salvation. We should seek that which allows us to trust God's promise and we will find peace, and joy, and ultimately, salvation.

20 Jan • The question of fasting

People came to Jesus and asked why his disciples did not fast. He replied that they could not fast while the bridegroom was with them, indicating himself as the divine presence with them. But, why do we fast? To show that God is first in our life, before our own desire for food and gratification.

23 Dec • Be open to the miraculous

The birth of John the Baptist was surrounded by miraculous events, so that it made people wonder, " ‘What then will this child become?’ For, indeed, the hand of the Lord was with him." This Christmas, let us all be open to experiencing the exceptional quality of God's presence in the miraculous things that happen around us.

20 Nov • Growing in our faith

In today's gospel, we hear Luke's version of Matthew's parable of the talents, where a rich man goes away and leaves his money in the care of his servants. This versions stresses the need to invest the faith we have been given by proclaiming God's graces.

19 Nov • Christians in a pagan society

In the Book of Revelation we hear a challenge for Christians living in a pagan society to hold fast to their faith, living in the world but not being of the world. We live in a very secular world. Can we live as Christians without caving in to the values of this secular world?