Province of St. Albert the Great, USA
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Fr. Bob Keller, OP

Campus minister and teacher at Aquinas College in Grand Rapids, Michigan. 


20 Nov • Growing in our faith

In today's gospel, we hear Luke's version of Matthew's parable of the talents, where a rich man goes away and leaves his money in the care of his servants. This versions stresses the need to invest the faith we have been given by proclaiming God's graces.

19 Nov • Christians in a pagan society

In the Book of Revelation we hear a challenge for Christians living in a pagan society to hold fast to their faith, living in the world but not being of the world. We live in a very secular world. Can we live as Christians without caving in to the values of this secular world?

18 Oct • The still-too-small Kingdom of God

Today we celebrate the Feast of St. Luke, the Evangelist, who worked with Paul to spread the Christian Church around the vast Roman Empire. 2000 years later, the Roman Empire is gone but the Church remains—but now, like then, the Church struggles to be heard amid the noise of the wider society. May our life in Christ animate us to be sign of the Kingdom of God so that it might spread throughout our society and around the world.

17 Oct • Can we change?

In today's Gospel, Jesus again condemns the Pharisees for being on the side of those who killed the prophets, demanding that they change on the inside, hear his critique, and thus change the way they behave. They do not listen to him. Are we open to Jesus' challenge to change our hearts, and will this change be reflected in new actions that show our love for God, for ourselves, and for those most in need?

15 Sept • Solid in His Faith

Peter confesses Jesus as the Messiah, but then rebukes him when Jesus predicts the suffering and death he must endure. Jesus is solid in his faith and so can accept the violence of others and respond in love. Peter is not solid in his faith. Are we? If we follow Jesus, we will not be ashamed when the world bullies us, or taunts us, or inflicts violence upon us, and we, like Jesus, will respond with love.