Province of St. Albert the Great, USA
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Fr. Dominic Holtz, OP

Fr. Dominic is Vice Dean of the Faculty of Philosophy at the Angelicum, the Dominican university in Rome.


24 Nov • Following Christ the King

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of Christ the King. In our Gospel, we hear that Jesus' Kingdom is not of this world, and yet, all creation is indeed subject to him, and if we are to live in truth, we must listen to his voice. In a democracy, we do that with our votes and with how we treat our employees and employers, but above all, we are to proclaim Christ as King to others, not forcing them to believe, but inviting them to believe.

23 Nov • The answer to our questions

In today's Gospel, the Sadducees try to trip up Jesus with a question about the resurrection. Jesus had an answer, though they did not want to hear it. Jesus ultimately has the answer for all our deepest questions, so let us not be afraid to ask them if we want answers.

21 Oct • Riches in heaven

In the parable of the rich man who built barns to preserve his wealth we are reminded that the best things in life are given as gift to us from God, and not creations of our own hands. Thus, whether we succeed or fail in this life, we can rely on the work of grace to save us.

19 Sept • Seeing the person in front of us

A sinful woman wept at Jesus' feet, washing them with her tears. Jesus saw God's grace and forgiveness working in her, the Pharisee with whom he was dining only saw her sinfulness. Do we see God's grace working in those around us and in ourselves, or do we just notice the sins?