Province of St. Albert the Great, USA
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Br. Ed Van Merrienboer, OP

Br. Ed has done many different ministries in the Order over the years, and is now an emeritus pastoral associate at Blessed Sacrament Church in Madison, Wisconsin.


19 Mar • Good St. Joseph

On this Solemnity of St. Joseph, we honor his trust in God, his role as protector of the Holy Family, and his obedience to divine guidance. Like Joseph, may we surrender to God’s will and live in faith.

15 Feb • The abundance of God's compassion

4000 people (1000 from all four directions) came to hear Jesus preach for three days, and in the end, had no food. Before they left, Jesus multiplied the loaves and the fishes so that there was an abundance of food for all, symbolizing the abundance of God's blessings for all the world. We carry on this mission today when we as Church and individually feed those in need.