Province of St. Albert the Great, USA
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Br. Ed Van Merrienboer, OP

Br. Ed has done many different ministries in the Order over the years, and is now an emeritus pastoral associate at Blessed Sacrament Church in Madison, Wisconsin.


19 Dec • Embrace silence

When it was announced to Zechariah that he would be a father in his old age, he doubted the Angel Gabriel and was struck dumb. His silence, however, gave him the opportunity to reflect on God's power. If you have doubts, embrace God is silent contemplation and you might be given all that you need in that powerful encounter.

18 Dec • Believing the unbelievable

St. Joseph was confronted with the unbelievable situation of Mary's pregnancy, and he believed through the help of an angel, and a life of faith. Sometimes the demands of faith seem almost unbelievable to us, but if we live out our faith every day, we will have a greater ability to believe even difficult truths of our faith.

16 Nov • Prayer as conversation with God

Jesus told a parable of the unjust judge who finally gave a widow her due because of her persistence. God will also grant what we ask for, but seeks to have an ongoing conversation with us as we would with a friend. Also, as with friends, we cannot make demands of God but must trust that God loves us and will do what is right for us.

15 Nov • Albert the Great

On this Feast of St. Albert the Great, Doctor of the Church, we remember how he integrated knowledge from theology, science, and politics, seeing no disparity between faith and reason. All of these realms of knowledge speak of the genius and imagination of God in creation. In the same way, we should let our knowledge of the world bolster our faith rather than setting these things in competition.