Province of St. Albert the Great, USA


16 Nov • Prayer as conversation with God

Jesus told a parable of the unjust judge who finally gave a widow her due because of her persistence. God will also grant what we ask for, but seeks to have an ongoing conversation with us as we would with a friend. Also, as with friends, we cannot make demands of God but must trust that God loves us and will do what is right for us.

15 Nov • Albert the Great

On this Feast of St. Albert the Great, Doctor of the Church, we remember how he integrated knowledge from theology, science, and politics, seeing no disparity between faith and reason. All of these realms of knowledge speak of the genius and imagination of God in creation. In the same way, we should let our knowledge of the world bolster our faith rather than setting these things in competition.

14 Oct • Our faith must always grow

In today's reading, Jesus tells his detractors that they will be condemned because they have closed their minds to a greater truth about God that he was teaching. Are we open to learning something new about God, or might Jesus level the same charge at us?

24 July • God will give you the words

God called Jeremiah to become a prophet and promised to give him the words to speak when it was time. In life, we often find it difficult to know what to say at times. In conversations that matter, we should be open to prayer and allowing God to inspire us with the right words to say.

22 Jun • God or mammon?

Jesus famously said that we cannot serve two masters, God and mammon. If we serve God first, then we can have healthy attitude towards our own material goods, not clinging to them, but using them to help those who do not have enough.