text “Is Jesus asleep in your boat?” As Pope Benedict XVI prepared to step down from the bridge of the “The…
text Second Sunday of Easter 2021: The Quality of Mercy The Sunday after Easter, which is also known with greater reason as Resurrection Sunday, has even…
text “Faith is not genuine unless it is tinged with a trace of doubt.” “Faith is not genuine unless i Whenever I am experiencing moments of doubt regarding my faith, I head for St…
text Easter Day 2021: Light in a Dark Time Death’s strong bands have been broken! That good news could hardly come at a more needed time,…
text “The great gift of Easter is hope.” Waiting in the wings to go on stage was the image that came to mind as I…
text Palm Sunday: March 28 2021 It hardly needs noting that we live in vexed and troubled times, not very much different from the…
text “We all do better when we all do better.” The reenactment of Jesus’ triumphant entrance into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday…
text “Who was that masked man?” In the early 1950’s most of the homes in my neighborhood did not possess…
text 5th Sunday of Lent 2021: The Everlasting Covenant Today western Christians begin the last full week of Lent, which ends with Holy Thursday and the…
text 4th Sunday of Lent 2021: the Rite of Return There doesn’t seem to be much joy in today’s readings, at least not at first glance. And…
text “Star light, star bright, The first star I see tonight; I wish I may, I wish I might, have the wish Her hospital room was filled with multicolored stars dangling from the…
text 3rd Sunday of Lent 2021: Peace Pilgrims It has been almost 21 years since Pope John Paul II visited Egypt, Jordan, and the Holy Land, where…
text “Faith is the absence of proof.” Mel Brooks, who wrote, produced, directed and starred in the 1981 comedy film…
text 2nd Sunday of Lent: Beloved Sons Back in 1974, as I contemplated a year at Oxford, I had planned to study under the watchful eye of…
text “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men? The Shadow knows.” “Who knows what evil lurks in t As my family rode home on late Sunday afternoons, my father would switch on…
text 1st Sunday in Lent 2021: A fresh start? It seems that no matter how many hills we climb, or how dark the night, there’s another one to deal…
text “What floats your boat?” Good question, I thought, as I stared at the bumper sticker on the boat…
text Sixth Sunday of the Year: Honor, Love, and Cherish Although today’s readings focus on disease, specifically leprosy, and more importantly, compassion…
text “What are friends for?” I don’t recall when I first heard the phrase, “What are friends for”, but I…
text Fifth Sunday of the Year: AKA Sexagesima Buccaneers versus Chiefs might sound like an episode from Peter Pan – if you were born on a…
text “Keep some room in your heart for the unimaginable.” When I returned the call from a perfect stranger, he said: “I never thought…
text Fourth Sunday of the Year: Caught in the Middle [This Sunday I am still in the grip of the unfortunate aftereffects of inhaling Volatile Organic…
text Third Sunday of Ordinary Time: A Tale of a Whale This morning I noted that Church documents still call this the “Third Sunday of Ordinary Time,” as…
text I hear you knocking but you can't come in Once the rhythm and blues song, “I Hear You Knocking, But You Can’t Come In”,…