text “Is Jesus asleep in your boat?” As Pope Benedict XVI prepared to step down from the bridge of the “The…
text 15th Sunday of the Year: Choosing Life Much of Europe and even North America has little on its collective mind (for a change) other than…
text “Well you can do anything, but stay off my blue suede shoes.” While I never owned a pair of blue suede shoes, I do remember dancing in a…
text 14th Sunday of the Year: The Cost of Freedom Freedom is like the air we breathe – we hardly notice it until it is challenged, threatened, or…
text “You’re looking at an old person who’s trying to get into heaven now.” During the 1960’s and 70’s, many of us remember listening to the comedian…
text “Taking her by the hand, Jesus said to her: ‘Little lamb, arise.’ ” Entering the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at 4:40 A.M., I donned a surgical…
text 12th Sunday of Ordinary Time: The Peril of the Seas Until the 20th century, humankind was often in peril of the sea, even a small one like Lake…
text “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” We cannot move forward in faith until we have learned to name our fears and…
text 11th Sunday of the Year: The Gardening of God God is a better gardener than I am, for sure. About fifteen years ago, I planted a Cedar of Lebanon…
text “What makes your heart sing?” The elevator ride from the third floor to the first floor did not take too…
text “Where do we find the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ?” The contrast would be enormous: a dimly lit room in an Intensive Care Unit…
text Trinity Sunday 2021: A Dance of Perfect Harmony [Summer may be acumin in, even on Tuesday according to meteorologists, but my fingers are stiff…
text “It was a dark and stormy night.” The popular comic strip Peanuts featured a dog-named Snoopy. An aspiring…
text Pentecost 2021: The Breath of Life Tonight, after Vespers, the paschal candle will be snuffed out, bringing to a close the great…
text “If the Spirit descended like a dove, why did Jesus send a parakeet?” As background to the Feast of Pentecost, the parish priest had just finished…
text Ascension (7th Sunday of Easter) 2021: Forever Present Today, as the Holy Land finds itself again embroiled in savage and indiscriminate slaughter, many…
text So, kiss me and smile for me, tell me that you’ll wait for me, hold me like you’ll never let me go. It won’t be too hard to find his room”, the nurse said. “Just listen for the…
text Sixth Sunday of Easter 2021: Honor Thy Mother! Mother’s Day dawned here on a chilly, drizzly morning, but that didn’t matter to the thousands of…
text “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.” “How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.” If I were to ask you how many how many ways God loves you, would you be able…
text Fifth Sunday of Easter: 2 May 2021 — The Bond of Love Today’s gospel reading is taken from Jesus’ long exhortation to his disciples at the Last Supper,…
text Getting knocked off your high horse is not just an occupational hazard for jockeys My first horse race proved to be a winner. I was twelve years old and in the…
text Fourth Sunday of Easter: Fateful Recognition After the revisions of the liturgy following the Second Vatican Council, this fourth Sunday of…
text “You must be shepherds who smell like your sheep.” A few years ago, Pope Francis admitted that he had made “grave errors” in…
text 3rd Sunday of Easter: Recognizing Jesus We are still in the upper room this Sunday, as if the celebration of our eucharist lodged us with…
text “Have you anything to eat?” At first the cardboard sign was hard to read, but as the old lady came closer…