text “Is Jesus asleep in your boat?” As Pope Benedict XVI prepared to step down from the bridge of the “The…
text 27th Sunday of the Year: Suffering the Little Children Today’s readings largely focus on the union of men and women, commonly known as marriage, beginning…
text “What will it take to heal the wounds of a planet torn apart by hatred, greed, poverty,..." Lest you think I am talking about a sequel to Mission Impossible, the…
text 26th Sunday of the Year: All to Myself Alone… [Yesterday evening and this morning, I was waylaid by the unnecessarily complex ordeal of getting…
text “One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready, and four to go.” The newly ordained priest was interviewing a woman in her late eighties who…
text 25th Sunday of the Year: A Harvest of Justice According to current calculations, there are fewer than one hundred shopping days left before…
text “Remember, where your treasure is, there your heart is also.” At the intersection of West Lake Street and Blaisdell Avenue, in the shadow…
text 24th Sunday of the Year: Cause for Reflection Mid-September brings the autumnal equinox, the end of summer, and usually occurs around the time of…
text “What good is it, my sisters and brothers, to profess faith without practicing it?” Having finished a very emotional funeral, I received an urgent call from the…
text 23rd Sunday of the Year: The Call to Compassion So much has happened in the past week, it is difficult to keep up with events even as they arrest…
text “See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil.” In the Buddhist tradition, the origin of the phrase, “See no evil, hear no…
text 22nd Sunday of the Year: Into the Fire Living in the midst of turmoil is trying in normal times, but somehow it has recently become a…
text “Employees must wash hands before leaving the restroom.” The father of the ten-year-old boy became concerned when his son had not…
text 21st Sunday of the Year: Finding Harmony Much can happen in a week, especially if you are trying to follow it all at a great distance on the…
text “I always start my dreams before I fall asleep, and then they just continue.” While waiting for the bank deposit to be counted, I overheard a young girl…
text Feast of the Assumption of Mary 2021 It is not often that the Feast of the Assumption of Mary falls on a Sunday, displacing the regular…
text “Lay aside immaturity, and live, and walk in the way of wisdom.” The great thing about getting older is that it requires so little effort. Yes…
text 19th Sunday of the year: Founders Day On this nineteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time, as we like to call it, while other Catholics around the…
text “Wonder Bread! It helps build strong bodies in twelve ways!” As a child, I remembered watching our black and white Philco television and…
text 18th Sunday of the Year: Living Bread The restrictions imposed because of the COVID pandemic have prevented many Christians from regular…
text “Why is hay like manna from heaven?” In the fast-paced world of gourmet cooking, Julia Child remains an icon of…
text 17th Sunday of the Year: Multiplication Factor If not all eyes are fixed on the Tokyo Olympics, at least several hundred million are at any given…
text “Father, would you like a doggie-bag for all the leftover food you didn’t eat?” In what sounded like an announcement over a bullhorn, the waitress alerted…
text 16th Sunday of the Year: Reason to hope Watching the cottonwood seed tufts floating lazily by on a golden afternoon in rural Ireland,…
text “Life is short. Smile while you still have teeth.” Having participated in multiple funerals during the last three weeks, I found…