video Unafraid of God's Light | Br. Jacob Mazur-Batistoni, O.P. In what ways does God's light in our lives dispel the darkness we find terrible comfort in to make…
text El domingo, 26 de marzo de 2023 QUINTO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA (Ezequiel 37:12-14; Romanos 8:8-11; Juan 11:1-45) Nos estamos acercando la Pascua, el…
audio Seeing with New Eyes: 3/19/23 Homily Seeing with New Eyes: 3/19/23 Homily by Fr. Patrick Hyde, OP
video As God Sees Us | Br. Andrés María Trujillo, OP Does how we see ourselves reflect the way God sees us? Are we willing to let God see us as we truly…
audio What blinds us to what we need to do and how we are called to live? Maybe we already know the whats? What are the hows?
audio The Spirit Behind the Law For 15 March 2023, Wednesday of the third week of Lent, based on Matthew 5:17-19
text El domingo, 19 de marzo de 2023 CUARTO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA (Samuel 16:1-6.10-13; Efesios 5:8-14; Juan 9:1-41) Si vas a Florencia, querrás ver la…
audio The Challenges of Lent For 13 March 2023, Monday of the third week of Lent, based on 2 Kings 5:1-15ab
video We Too Are Thirsting | Br. Bernard Wierdak, O.P. We hear in the Scriptures how the Israelites complain again and again about the Exodus, that long…
audio What will satisfy your thirst? In the famous story of Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well, we get a chance to reflect on what we need in our own lives to satisfy…
video Called to Preach | Br. Benjamin Steary, OP We are called by God to preach the Gospel. Br. Benjamin Steary, OP encourages us to relentlessly…
text El domingo, 12 de marzo de 2023 EL TERCER DOMINGO DE CUARESMA (Éxodo 17:3-7; Romanos 5:1-2.5-8; Juan 4:5-42) Según un himno, “Todos tenemos miedos…
video Following God's call | Br. Ephrem Upart, OP The Lord calls us to follow him, even where that may be difficult. Are we ready to go where he…
audio Attacking Temptation: 2/26/23 Homily Attacking Temptation: 2/26/23 Homily by Fr. Patrick Hyde, OP
video Now of that long pursuit... | Br. Alonso Amadeo Salas, OP God is ready to pursue us, even to the point of sacrifice. Are we willing to do the same for him,…
text El domingo5 de marzo de 2023 EL SEGUNDO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA (Génesis 12:1-4; II Timoteo 1:8-10; Mateo 17:1-9) La palabra hebrea Shemá nombra uno…
video Come Out of Hiding, Turn to the God of Life | Br. Juan Gabriel Seiglie, O.P. Br. Juan Gabriel Seiglie, O.P. preaches on Genesis 2:7-9; 3:1-7 for the First Sunday in Lent. In…