audio Hard Times, Good Times For 26 April 2023, Wednesday of the third week of Easter, based on Acts 8:1b-8
text El domingo, 30 de abril de 2023 CUARTO DOMINGO DE PASCUA (Hechos 2:14.36-41; I Pedro 2:20-25; Juan 10:1-10) El Buen Pastor es una de las más…
text El domingo, 23 de abril de 2023 TERCER DOMINGO DE PASCUA (Hechos 2:14.22-33; I Pedro 1:17-21; Lucas 24:13-35) Discípulos caminando juntos: esta frase…
audio Where do we find Jesus in our lives? This week we hear the story of the doubting Thomas. Do we let Jesus into our lives - or do we try to keep him out or contained to Sunday?
audio Were Not Our Hearts Burning Within Us? For 12 April 2023, Easter Wednesday, based on Luke 24:13–35 (Photo by Scott)
audio Do We Recognize Him? For 11 April 2023, Easter Tuesday, based on John 20:11–18 (Photo by RODRIGO…
audio Risen to be with you: Easter Sunday homily, 4/9/23 Risen to be with you: Easter Sunday homily, 4/9/23 by Fr. Patrick Hyde, OP
text El domingo, 16 de abril de 2023 SEGUNDO DOMINGO DE PASCUA – DOMINGO DE LA MISERICORDIA DIVINA (Hechos 2:42-47; I Pedro 1:3-9; Juan 20:1-9) Hoy, el…
audio Light in the Night: Easter Vigil homily, 4/8/23 Light in the Night: Easter Vigil homily, 4/8/23 by Fr. Patrick Hyde, OP
audio What does Easter join mean for you - for each of us? Yes, two episodes in one weekend - but it's Easter and I can't let that pass without a special reflection for this Easter Sunday.
audio Part 2 of my interview on "A Veiled Response" I was interviewed by Our Sunday Visitor as part of the Eucharistic Revival initiative of the USCCB. The subject? Why do some women wear veils, and…
text El domingo, 9 de abril de 2023 Domingo de Pascua: la Resurrección del Señor (Misa del Día) (Hechos 10:34ª.37-43; Colonenses 3:1-4; Mateo 28:1-10) …
audio A Love That Saves: Palm Sunday homily 4/2/23 A Love That Saves: Palm Sunday homily 4/2/23 by Fr. Patrick Hyde, OP
audio The Humanity and Divinity of Christ For 2 April 2023, Palm Sunday, based on Matthew 21:1–11, Philippians 2:6–11 …
audio A veiled response. Veils! Are the for all women? I was interviewed recently by OSV as part of a project of the Eucharistic Revival that includes interviews with the preachers involved with the…
text El domingo, 2 de abril de 2023 DOMINGO DE RAMOS DE LA PASIÓN DEL SEÑOR (Isaías 50:4-7; Filipenses 2:6-11; Mateo 26:14-27:54) Fray Angélico incluyó…
video The Gaze of Christ | Br. Augustine Culligan, O.P. Tormented by the choice of choosing our flesh over the spirit due to worldly sensibilities, how can…
video God's Promises and Ours | Br. Joseph Hilliker, O.P. Br. Joseph Hilliker, O.P. preaches on Ezekiel 37:12-14 for the Fifth Sunday of Lent. In his…
audio What are the ties that bind us? How do we let our afflictions and fear keep us from living out our lives fully?
audio What’s Going On Here? For 23 March 2023, Thursday of the fourth week of Lent, based on Exodus 32:7-14