audio Anger and Kindness For 15 June 2023, Thursday of week 10 in Ordinary Time, based on Matthew 5:20-26
audio Is Salt All That Good? For 13 June 2023, Tuesday of week 10 in Ordinary Time, based on Matthew 5:13-16
text El domingo, 18 de junio de 2023 UNDÉCIMO DOMINGO ORDINARIO (Éxodo 19, 2-6ª; Romanos 5:6-11; Mateo 9:36-10:8) Con la celebración de la misa hoy…
audio We extend a special welcome This is a welcome statement a made a couple of times at St. Tom's, but I believe we lived it out every day. Feel free to share it - and live it.
text El domingo, 11 de junio de 2023 SOLEMNIDAD DEL CUERPO Y LA SANGRE DE CRISTO (Deuteronomio 8:2-3.14-16; I Corintios 10:16-17; Juan 6:51-58) La…
audio What does it mean for YOU when we celebrate the Holy Trinity? We - meaning priests - tend to make it complicated. It isn't. Celebrating the Trinity means celebrating hospitality.
text El domingo, 4 de junio de 2023 SOLEMNIDAD DE LA SANTÍSIMA TRINIDAD (Éxodo 34:4-6.8-9; II Corintios 13:11-13; Juan 3:16-18) La mayoría de los…
audio The Holy Spirit is Working: 5/28/23 Homily The Holy Spirit is Working: 5/28/23 Homily by Fr. Patrick Hyde, OP
audio What do you with all the gifts you have received? God has given us a lot - maybe we don't notice. Do we keep them to ourselves - or share them? Easy question.
text El domingo, 28 de mayo de 2023 DOMINGO DE PENTECOSTÉS (Hechos 2:1-11; I Corintios 12:3-7.12-13; Juan 20:19-23) Hoy, el domingo de Pentecostés,…
audio Go out and share the good news!! Jesus asks all of us - commissions all of us - to share what he has given each of us.
audio From Retreat High to Life in the Spirit: 5/14/23 Homily From Retreat High to Life in the Spirit: 5/14/23 Homily by Fr. Patrick Hyde, OP
text El domingo, 21 de mayo de 2023 LA ASCENSIÓN DEL SEÑOR (Hechos 1:1-11; Efesios 1:17-23; Mateo 28:16-20) Hoy celebramos una de las fiestas más…
audio Jesus commands us to pray - why does he have to command us? And a special Mother's Day column from Erma Bombeck (my absolute favorite!)
audio What’s Love Got to Do With It? For 12 May 2023, Friday of the fifth week of Easter, based on John 15:12-17
text El domingo, 14 de mayo de2023 (Día de las Madres) SEXTO DOMINGO DE PASCUA (Hechos 8:5-8.14-17; I Pedro 3:15-18; Juan 14:15-21) Hemos escuchado rumores del Día de las…
audio What great things will you do today? We are all called to do amazing things, and with the help of God, we can do them. Are you ready?
text Domingo, 7 de mayo de 2023 QUINTO DOMINGO DE PASCUA (Hechos 6:1-7; I Pedro 2:4-9; Juan 14:1-12) El evangelio hoy es una de las obras maestro del…
audio Faithful & Good Shepherds: 4/30/23 Homily Faithful & Good Shepherds: 4/30/23 Homily by Fr. Patrick Hyde, OP
audio Are YOU a good shepherd? On Sunday we hear the familiar story of the good shepherd - a beautiful story that images Christ as our good shepherd. But there's more to the…