Province of St. Albert the Great, USA
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Fr. Tom Lynch, OP

Fr. Tom Lynch, OP is the pastor at St. Pius V Church in Chicago, Illinois. He served many years in our mission in Bolivia and at St. Dominic Church in Denver.


9 Feb (extra) • Journey of self-discovery

In an extra video for today, we hear about the call of the Prophet Jeremiah. God knows Jeremiah better than he knows himself, and Jeremiah will discover his own strengths as he lives out this call. Let us find ourselves by following our call.

11 Jan • Passing on the blessings

After Jesus was baptised by John, Jesus went on to baptise others. When John was asked about it, he was happy that Jesus was doing this and becoming greater than he. All of the blessings God gives us should be nurtured, and multiplied, and then passed along to more people, until the whole world is blessed.

11 Dec • Bridging the divides

On this Eve of the Solemnity of Our Lady of Guadalupe, we remember that in her day, as in the days of Paul the Apostle, and still in our own, the Church was filled with all kinds of people, good and bad, and all kinds of divisions. Our Lady of Guadalupe appeared dressed in native clothing, speaking the native tongue, cutting through divisions. We are meant to do the same.

10 Dec • Mary, the New Eve

On this Memorial of Our Lady of Loreto, we see Mary as the new Eve. Through the disobedience of Eve, our relationship with God was wounded. Yet Eve received a promise that God would restore this relationship, and the promise is fulfiled through the obedience of Mary, the New Eve, who said "let it be done to me according to your word." Might we repeat those words with Mary today?