Province of St. Albert the Great, USA


4 Nov • Listen to one another

Can we be like Jesus, who emptied himself of his divine glory in order to come and be one of us. Can we listen to one another without needing to be right? Can we take a moment to just listen?

3 Nov • First, love God

Jesus told us that the greatest commandment was to love God with your entire being. Whatever we do to pray, if we do it in a spirit of love for God, it will draw us closer to God.

4 Oct • Seeing the beauty inside

On this Feast of St. Francis of Assisi, we hear a reading about how God sees everything and we do not. But Francis had a talent for seeing the inner goodness of a person, even when the exterior was a little gruf. Can we grow in our ability to do this?

26 May • Delving into the mystery of God

The Trinity—three persons, one God—is a mystery far beyond our comprehension. But rather than trying to grasp it, Jesus tells his followers to go out and make disciples from all the nations on earth in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. In that encounter with a diverse group of others, all made in the image of God, we will learn more about God than we will by pondering the mystery.

27 Apr • Continue to be amazed

Philip asked Jesus to "show us the Father, and then we will be satisfied." Jesus replied that to see him is to see the Father, which Philip did not yet understand but will come to see over time.. Can we still be amazed at what Jesus has to teach us so that we can learn to proclaim him as boldly as did the apostles?