Province of St. Albert the Great, USA


The Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Brendan Curran, OP breaks open the readings for the Twenty Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time, with Jesus' parable about the vineyard owner who hires people all through the day, but ends up paying them all the same—a full day's wage. In the end, God is equally grateful to everyone who Join in the mission of saving the world, no matter how long they have been doing it.

6 Aug • Move on, transfigured

Jesus took Peter, James, and John up on the mountain and was Transfigured. Peter wanted to stay there and hold on to the moment, but Jesus gave it to them to prepare them for what was to come. Do we seek grace to hold on to, or to prepare us for the work of being a Christian?

The Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fr. Brendan Curran, OP breaks open the readings for the Sixteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time, where Jesus uses a series of agricultural parables to teach how how to grow into true holiness, helping others to grow into it as well.

A Word of Hope for July 13, 2023

Joseph (of "The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat") was sold into slavery by his brothers, but when the tables were turned and they were in need, he forgave them. Jesus sent out the disciples telling them to take nothing with them, no sack nor extra pair of sandals. Fr. Brendan Curran, OP reminds us that we all tend to carry around a lot of baggage that we need to put down if we are do the Lord's work, and we particularly need to learn to forgive one another.