Province of St. Albert the Great, USA
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Fr. Brendan Curran, OP

Fr. Curran is the regional Promoter of Justice and Peace for the Dominicans of Canada and the United States.


12 Jan • Comfort my people

On this Feast of the Baptism of the Lord, we recall that Jesus was baptised to carry out the the commission of the Prophet Isaiah, "Give Comfort to my People." May all of us who are baptised fulfil this mission.

The Baptism of the Lord

Fr. Brendan Curran OP breaks open the readings for the Baptism of the Lord. As John baptised Jesus in the Jordan River, we are invited to imagine being on the banks of the river searching our own souls for what we need to change in our own lives. What do we need to do to prepare a way for God to come more fully into the world? Can we embrace our own Baptismal call to be authentic witnesses of Christ?

Readings: Isaiah 40:1–5, 9–11; Titus 2:11–14; 3:4–7; Luke 3:15–16, 21–22

31 Dec • Ready for a New Year

The first chapter of the Gospel of John reminds us: "The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it." As we prepare to welcome a new year, let us move forward with confidence that God's unfailing light will help us create all things new and shake off the darkness of the past year.

30 Dec • The Prophet Anna

The Prophet(ess) Anna recognized the Christ child as the new messiah when he was presented in the Temple. Let us honor all the women whose resilient, prophetic, and steady faith has fed the church and our guided our own faith journeys.

The Second Sunday of Advent

Fr. Brendan Curran, OP breaks open the readings for the Second Sunday of Advent, remembering our call to be messengers of hope for a weary world, as was the Prophet Baruch and John the Baptist. God will complete the good work already begun, and let it be done through us.

Readings: Baruch 5:1–9; Philippians 1:4–6, 8–11; Luke 3:1–6

29 Nov • Born anew

The Book of Revelation speaks of a new heaven and a new earth coming to be as the old world passes away. December is the Month for Peace, and this year the Dominicans are focussing on Haiti where amidst great destructions, some courageous Dominicans are trying to bring forth new signs of hope.