Province of St. Albert the Great, USA

23 Mar • Finding the Spirit in Suffering: Hope & Endurance (Luke 13)

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Join Fr. Bob Keller, OP, as he offers a profound reflection on Jesus's message in Luke 13:1-9. When faced with news of suffering, Jesus reminds us that even in the midst of trials, we must remain awake to the presence of the Holy Spirit.

In this daily Catholic homily, Fr. Bob explores how Jesus's response to the Galileans' tragedy and the Siloam tower collapse teaches us that suffering is not necessarily a sign of greater sinfulness. Instead, it's a call to be mindful of God's presence, even when life is challenging.

Fr. Bob also delves into the parable of the barren fig tree, illustrating God's patience and the opportunity for growth. He shows us that even in times of hardship, we are given time to nurture our spiritual lives and bear fruit.

Discover how being attuned to the Spirit's presence can empower us to endure suffering with hope and grace. Fr. Bob's insightful homily encourages us to seek God's presence in all circumstances, finding strength in His unwavering love.

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• Catholic Homily
• Luke 13
• Suffering
• Holy Spirit
• Hope
• Endurance
• Daily Gospel
• Fig Tree Parable
• Christian Living
• Spiritual Reflection
• Word of God
• Jesus Christ
• Dominican Order
• Bible Study
• Catholic Church
• Daily Mass Readings
• Scripture Reflection
• Gospel Reflection
• Spiritual Growth
• Parable of the Fig Tree