Fr. Andrew Carl Wisdom is the Province’s Vicar for Mission Advancement and Director of the Society for Vocational Support, which raises funds for the recruitment and formation of Dominican vocations. Besides his development ministry, Fr. Wisdom conducts parish retreats and Days of Reflection around the country.He is the author of Tuning In To God’s Call and Make of Your Life a Gift: Letters of Gratitude. He currently lives at St. Dominic Priory in Denver, Colorado.
On this Ash Wednesday we are reminded of the three pillars of Lent: prayer, almsgiving, and fasting. These help us to grow in our three important loves: of God, neighbor, and self. So let's get started.
On this Feast of the evangelist St. Mark, we are also called to carry on the work of Jesus Christ in all humility, not by self-assertion, but by self-donation.
In today's Gospel we hear that Jesus is the Light of the World. In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles we hear how Paul and Barnabas were sent out to spread that light to the world. In this Easter Season, it begins again as you and I are called to go out and bring that light to the world today.
In the Gospel, a Syrophoenician woman argues with Jesus to get him to heal her daughter. Are we willing to fight for others, even against God? Do we believe in God's healing powers enough to try?
Jesus tells us that impurity comes from within, not from outside ourselves. But Jesus can also live within our hearts. So let us look honestly within and make more room for Jesus and less room for sin.
On this Feast of the Holy Innocents, remembering when King Herod had all of the young boys in Bethlehem murdered, we are challenged to stand against the violence and injustice that we encounter in our world today.