Province of St. Albert the Great, USA
Profile picture for user Andrew Carl

Fr. Andrew Carl Wisdom, OP

Fr. Andrew Carl Wisdom is the Province’s  Vicar for Mission Advancement and Director of the Society for Vocational Support, which raises funds for the recruitment and formation of Dominican vocations.  Besides his development ministry, Fr. Wisdom conducts parish retreats and Days of Reflection around the country. He is the author of Tuning In To God’s Call and Make of Your Life a Gift: Letters of Gratitude. He currently lives at St. Dominic Priory in Denver,  Colorado.


24 Apr • And so it begins... again

In today's Gospel we hear that Jesus is the Light of the World. In the first reading from the Acts of the Apostles we hear how Paul and Barnabas were sent out to spread that light to the world. In this Easter Season, it begins again as you and I are called to go out and bring that light to the world today.