Province of St. Albert the Great, USA


26 Mar • By God's power

The prophet Isaiah tried and thought he failed, but then was promised that by God's hand he would become a light to the nations. God can use each of us in this task, not because of our greatness, but because of God's.

The First Sunday of Lent

Fr. James Marchionda, OP breaks open the readings for the first Sunday of Lent where we hear of Jesus's temptation in the desert, where he was tempted to give up up on God. That is the basic temptation, and Jesus refused to let go of God. Can we hold on to our own faith as well, whatever hardships and challenges come our way?

6 Feb • The heart leeds deeper

When Jesus's disciples were criticized for not following the Mosaic law, he challenged people to seek God with their hearts rather than through the law. Seeking God with our whole hearts will lead us to a much deeper faith than following any prescription of the law.

The Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord

Fr. Jim Marchionda, OP brings out the radical nature of the story of the magi coming from the East and finding the baby Jesus, foreigners in a foreign land, foreshadowing the gentiles being accepted into the faith as equals to the Jews, so that we can all become lights to the nations, welcoming everyone into the grace of God.

16 Dec • The circle of life

As we approach Christmas, the Gospel today reminds us of Jesus' death, underscoring that his birth is connected to his death in the great circle of God's plan. May we see arc of our own lives, birth to death, circumscribed into this story as well.