text "Did Jesus have a drinking problem?" Given the unusual circumstances at the Wedding Feast of Cana, Jesus performed…
text "Who witnessed your baptism?" Without scrambling for a copy of your baptismal certificate, have you ever…
text Coming full circle to Bethlehem The traditional account of the Magi and their incredible journey to find …
text "Rediscovering the fun in dysfunctional." Today we are celebrating the Feast of The Holy Family, a celebration that…
text Together we can do something wonderful One of Mother Teresa’s favorite statements summarized her view of…
text "God isn't fixing this" On Wednesday, December 3rd The New York Daily News ran the headline, &ldquo…
text "At what time would you like your wake-up call?" The phone rang almost immediately when I entered my hotel room. Assuming the…
text "One day you finally knew what you had to do, and began." Rediscovering the poetic world of Mary Oliver has provided me with ample…
text "Gotta Serve Somebody" When the album entitled “Slow Train Coming” was launched in 1979,…
text "In case of the Rapture, this car will be abandoned." Due to the snow storm, the trip back from Des Moines to Dubuque would take an…
text "It's good to be blessed, but it's better to be a blessing." Putting the finishing touches on the flower pots in front of church, I was…
text "Blessed are the cracked, for they shall let in the light." The gospel reading for the Feast of All Saints is commonly referred to as …
text "Be careful what you ask for." Believing in miracles is risky business, especially if there is no physical…
text "And what does the Lord require of us? Only this: to do justice, to love kindness..." One of the most popular biblical verses among both Jewish and Christian groups…
text "Brother, Can You Spare a Dime?" The cardboard signs expressing a need for help seem to proliferate as the…
text "What will it take to heal the wounds of a planet torn apart by hatred, greed, poverty,... Lest you think I am talking about a sequel to Mission Impossible, the…
text "Take courage; get up. Jesus is calling you!" In searching for a modern day prophet, Benedictine Sister Joan Chittister…
text "Whoever wants to be first must be last." God’s grace is unruly. It comes to change us, to correct our orientation…
text "If a sister or brother is without clothing and lacks food, can you honestly tell them..." Hot tea, home cooked food, clean clothing and toys greeted 500 migrants…
text "The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others." What are some remarkable acts of service that you have personally witnessed?…
text "Facing mortality with humility, grace and courage: a reasonable exit plan." The father of the ten year old boy became concerned when his son had not…
text "At my age, happy hour is a nap." Monday, August 17th marked the thirty-fourth anniversary of my thirty-ninth…
text "Wonder Bread! It helps build strong bodies in twelve ways!" As a child, I remember watching our black and white Philco television and…
text "Why is hay like manna from heaven?" In both the gospel reading (John 6:24-35) and the first reading from the Book…