Province of St. Albert the Great, USA

17 Mar • Becoming Good vs. Opposing Evil

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On this St. Patrick’s Day, we reflect on two powerful Gospel parables from Matthew 13:24-32 that reveal a profound truth about the Kingdom of Heaven. Instead of focusing solely on opposing evil, Jesus teaches us that true spiritual growth comes from nurturing faith, virtue, and holiness within ourselves.

📖 Today’s Gospel Reflection:

  • Parable of the Weeds – Jesus explains how good and evil coexist, emphasizing God’s divine plan and the importance of patience in faith.
  • Parable of the Mustard Seed – A reminder that even the smallest act of faith can grow into something transformational, impacting the world in ways we cannot imagine.

📖 Keywords: Catholic homily, daily Gospel reflection, St. Patrick’s Day sermon, Catholic teaching, faith and virtue, spiritual growth, Jesus’ parables, Bible study, Kingdom of God