The Preaching Ministry of St. Juan Macias OP
St. Juan Macias, OP (1585–1645) was a cooperator brother, working for years as porter for the Dominican Priory of St. Mary Magdalene, Lima, Peru. Since preaching is at the heart of the Dominican charism, we might ask if the person who answers the door and serves as doorkeeper for the community really preaches. Our own Br. John Steilberg, OP uses his example to get to heart of what it means to preach in the Dominican tradition, observing:
St. Juan Macias’ method of preaching was particularly Dominican. Dominicans preach on the move in a wide variety of settings to diverse audiences. It is a way of preaching that is flexible, adaptable, and versatile. Juan preached to a wide variety of visitors who came to the monastery. His preaching began with listening, with encountering people right where they are. It was not a pre-determined exhortation; it was not top-down. Juan preached in a milieu where a diverse range of people came to the convent with a variety of needs. Juan, as a lay brother, preached to the community daily with his versatile preaching.
His analysis is worth reading if you are interesting in Dominican Preaching and can be found at the Vocation Blog.