Fr. James Michael Karepin, O.P.
Rev. James M. Karepin, OP died Sunday, October 18, of complications from COVID-19 in Pueblo, Colorado. He was 68 years old.
Father Karepin was born in Syracuse, New York, entered the Central Province of the Dominican Order in 1984, made profession in 1985, and was ordained to the priesthood in 1990. Before becoming a Dominican Friar, Father Karepin completed degrees in Modern Language and French at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana and Middlebury College, Vermont. His theological training was at Aquinas Institute of Theology, St. Louis, Missouri. He taught French and Theology at Fenwick High School, Oak Park, Illinois and at Bishop Grimes Jr./Sr. High School, East Syracuse, New York.
Father Karepin was bi-ritual, meaning he celebrated the Sacraments in both the Latin rite and Ukrainian Catholic rite. Father had many assignments in different eparchies and dioceses in the United States and in France. He served in various capacities at St. Nicholas Ukrainian Cathedral, Chicago; St. John the Baptist Ukrainian Parish, Syracuse, NY; St. Michael Parish, Onondaga Hill, New York; and St. Louis Ukrainian Parish in St. Louis, Missouri. In Paris, Father was part of a team at the Dominican Ecumenical Center and its renowned journal, Istina. He also served at St. Volodymry Cathedral, Notre Dame de Paris, and Bichat Hospital. His most recent assignment was at Transfiguration Ukrainian Church, Denver, Colorado.
A sensitive soul, animated, quick-witted and comical, with a self-deprecating humor, Father Jim kept everybody on their toes. Father Karepin is survived by his cousins, Barbara Gallagher, Marian Crosby, Rev. Bohdan Winnicki, and Renata Glinska. Funeral arrangements are scheduled for Saturday, October 31, at St. Dominic Church in Denver, Colorado, beginning at 9:00 AM with Morning Prayer followed by Ukrainian prayers, a short visitation, and Mass of the Resurrection. Further details are pending.