Praesidium Accredited
The Province of St. Albert the Great has a comprehensive plan to make sure that we minister responsibly and maintain an environment in our ministries that is safe for children and other vulnerable people. Our program is accredited through Praesidium, which assures us that we have achieved the highest standard in child abuse prevention, consistent with the directives articulated by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops and Conference of Major Superiors of Men. Praesidium specialists have thoroughly reviewed the policies of the Province of St. Albert the Great, conducted site visits, interviewed members of the Province and members of our Review Board, and verified that the Standards for Accreditation have been met. To learn more about the process of accreditation, visit Praesidium’s website.
On January 28, 2020, the Province was reaccredited meeting all 25 Praesidium standards of accreditation with no corrections or notations.